Lifelong Cambridge resident, husband and father of 3. I am interested in sports and politics. Huge fan of comic book movies and Star Wars.
The current scandal involving the criminal prosecution of engineering firm SNC-Lavalin Group Inc is dominating the headlines. It has caused the federal government and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau much trouble,…
Municipal leaders in Canada consider attracting young professionals to live in their cities as a key reason to keep up urban prosperity. It is a key factor in maintaining economic…
The City is holding a public information session on the possibility of using of ranked ballots in the 2022 municipal election. The session will be held this Wednesday, September 13th…
When my family first moved to Cambridge (Hespeler) in 1988, my parents signed my brother and me up to play softball with the Hespeler Minor Softball Association. This was my…
The City of Cambridge is now streaming council and committee meetings on the internet. The initiative started with the June 6th Planning and Development Committee meeting. This is a big…
Cambridge city council recently voted to allow for the use of internet and telephone voting for the 2018 municipal election. It will be expanded this time to include the three…
Back in September Cambridge city council opted to keep the first-past-the-post system for electing members of council. City staff made the recommendation not to adopt the ranked ballot system, which…